Tag Archives: Zero to Hero Day 3

What’s on my mind?

Day 3 asks ‘What’s on my mind?’. I am a day late on my task. But I am slugging along. Not ready to give up just yet. My blog might be a ‘premature’ baby but there is no way I am killing it before time. My baby is a survivor like me. So on to what’s on my mind.

The thought of starting a blog came to my mind when I was struggling with cancer. I needed an outlet for all those emotions welling up inside me. I need to focus on anything but those cells attacking my body. Blogging seemed like a great idea. There I said it. I never thought I will actually spill it out. (Maybe someday I will blog about those dark years. I am not quite ready yet). The treatment and the healing process took over and I left my blog with just a name until January 2014. The good thing is that I  managed to slain the cancer bug and lived to tell the tale. I am one of those lucky ones. I am perfectly healthy now. And I am sure being healthy doesn’t make you any less creative. So now that the ‘zero to hero’ bug has bitten me. I am here to save my baby blog. And its my baby’s survival that’s prominent on my mind right now.

I’ll be back with the day 4 post soon..I am not giving up fellas! I am raising up this baby.